Links to Successful Unschoolers

Someone recently asked  for links to successful unschoolers’/homeschoolers’ websites and blogs on the Ask Unschooling Offspring Yahoo list.

Here are the links I recommended to him plus more I’ve thought of since posting on the Yahoo group:

Homeschoolers’/Unschoolers’ Websites and Blogs – This is my site. I travels all over the world, write and speak about travel, unschooling, and worldschooling, and lead travel tours for young adults to learn about the world and themselves. – Perry Kroll is a fellow Massachusetts unschooler. Does great video, graphic design, and website work (he designed my site actually). – Very interesting blog by a grown unschooler/homeschooler in Montreal, Canada expressing her views on unschooling, education, politics, vegeteranism, civilization, sustainability, etc. One of the number one sites on the net about “life-style design”: creating the life, money, and freedom you want without being stuck in an office all day.  Clay Collins left school at age 15 and started unschooling. Then he went to college, worked in an office, hated it, “killed his day job”, and learned to make a good living while enjoying his life.

www.grownwithoutschooling.comPeter Kowalke is a life-long unschooler who made a ground-breaking documentary about 10 grown homeschoolers talking candidly about the effect not going to school or following a set curriculum had on their lives. Sean Ritchey is a grown unschooler/homeschooler who does wonderful work designing and building energy efficient and environmentally friendly buildings and homes that save people money and help keep the planet healthier. – Grown unschooler/homeschooler who does photography, graphic design work, and photography. Really nice quality work. He also designs websites such as this one: – Cameron Lovejoy left school at age 12 and started unschooling. He helped his family run the Live and Learn Unschooling Conferences which have influenced many other conference. Now Cameron is running his own unschooling conference that looks very exciting, The Autodidact Symposium, in March, 2009 in Columbia, South Carolina. He also started the Ask Unschooling Offspring group on Yahoo mentioned above. –  Eric McDonald is another  fellow Bostonian grown unschooler and an amazing musical performer and songwriter. He sings, plays the guitar, and rips it on the mandolin all over the northeast. One of his bands is Jaded Mandolin: – Jaded Mandolin is a folk/bluegrass band  originally made up of four unschooling teens. You can listen to their music and order their awesome self-titled CD through this MySpace page. – List of many more homeschoolers’ websites compiled by my friends at Advocates for Home Education in Massachusetts (AHEM). – List of famous people who were homeschooled.

There are more! Please feel to comment and add to the list!

The man who asked about this on the list is actually from Germany and having trouble being allowed to homeschool his children there. I assume he wanted both personal support for his choice and maybe help proving the legitimacy of homeschooling to the German authorities.

As I noted in my response to him according to John Taylor Gatto modern compulsory schooling started in Prussia (Germany) in the 1800s so it’s understandable it’s not easy to homeschool there. And it’s especially wonderful and significant to hear about people fighting for the right to direct their lives and education.

(Btw you can view my site in German here or use this imperfect but very helpful translation tool from Google for any site:


Filed under adult unschoolers, entrepreneurship, grown unschoolers, homeschooling, lifestyle design, unschooling, worldschooling, young people earning their own money

12 responses to “Links to Successful Unschoolers

  1. My name is Erin and I’m a grown unschooler, and I am in an original band called Please Do Not Fight, along with Zen who was also unschooled!

  2. Thanks for posting this list Eli! I have people ask me all the time about grown unschoolers and/or what my boys might do when they are all grown up. I’m going to link to this post from my blog. Thanks!

    • Awesome Heather, yeah, I hop it’s helpful for yourself, your boys, and assuring to others! I also know grown unschoolers who are volunteering building homes in New Orleans, another working for the National Science Foundation, and others who are doing their own searching for how they can best shine their light on the world.

  3. Hi, I am Nkonyezi, a semi-old unschooler and a proffesional photographer based in Dallas. You can check out my worrk @

  4. Pingback: Unschooler Peter Kowalke Interview « Eli Gerzon’s Worldschooler Blog

  5. Hi, I am the german Unschooler 😉
    Thank you very much for your great list – everything can help to legalize homeschooling and get the compulsory schoolsystem at it’s roots.

    • Thanks so much for commenting! I really hope this list can help convince people in Germany that legalizing homeschooling, unschooling even is a good idea! Seeing real examples helps a lot!

      I also looked at your blog: my German is not very good but it was exciting to read and I’m glad you’re helping the cause yourself!

  6. Pingback: Stranger in a Strange Land Newsletter: July 2009 « Eli Gerzon’s Worldschooler Blog

  7. You can link to me!

    I left school at 16, but was a homework refusenik from age 11. I even got suspended for taking a stand on civil rights.

    Then I found success in the computing field. I wrote about it in my book Secrets of a Buccaneer-Scholar. I didn’t realize it when I was writing, but my experience can be used by unschoolers to counter the “you’ll never succeed” baloney that they hear from time to time.

    • Sorry it took me so long to approve your comment: unlike your other comments this went into my spam folder for some reason!

      That’s really cool: I didn’t know you yourself left school early. And yeah, computers seems to be an area where all the experts are self taught: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs being the ultimate examples.

      Thanks for sharing your story and link.

  8. Pingback: Eli Gerzon's Worldschooler Blog » Unschooler Peter Kowalke Interview about College

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